Sunday, 6 April 2014

How Implants Have Changed Chloe's Life

So this week we have been talking to a lovely reporter about the difference Cochlear Implants have made to Chloe's life. It has felt very emotional because I have revisited the shock and trauma of the first few months of discovering she was not only profoundly deaf but blind. We were negotiating when the photographer should come and take photos when unfortunately Chloe got sick and we ended up in hospital for twenty four hours while they reduced the swelling in her throat and brought down her temperature. This made me reflect on how difficult it is to be in hospital with communication issues. Trying to wake her up to take her medicine when she couldn't hear (her processors are removed at night) and couldn't see what was happening was traumatic for both of us.

We got home caught up on some sleep and then the photographer came round. Our story has gone global and it feels very strange but I hope it raises awareness of deafblindness. Implants do not fix Chloe's deafness but they have opened her up to sound and enabled her to participate in our world, though it will always be on her terms. Lots of congenitally deafblind children are not suitable for implants. Their families have to concentrate on communicating with their children through touch, objects of reference, pictures and signing. You concentrate on what your children can do and charities like Sense are vital in offering support and guidance.

We are so proud of Chloe and now more people will get to see what a super star she is.


  1. I have loved reading chloe's story, my little sister (15 1/2 years my junior) had meningitis at 18 months old this left her profoundly deaf she had an implant at 3 years old, back then she was the youngest done by birmingham childrens hospital and one of the youngest in the country, implants were only done on one ear back then too, now 20 years on after going through mainstream school and college she now works in retail and is engaged im incredibly proud of her she has overcome a fair bit to be the women she is today.

  2. try both and and see if they have any advice/info on hearing loss/improve hearing and improving eyesight for Chloe and her father.
